Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Worlds Apart

After listening to a song tonight while cleaning her room, my six-year-old daughter told my husband, "I was in here talking to God. Sometimes I just get this feeling that I don't care about all the toys and stuff, and just care about my relationship with you and Mommy and Brother. That song made me think about that."

Lord, guard her heart, keep it soft toward you throughout her life. Give us wisdom as her parents. Help us to maintain a healthy, loving relationship with her as she grows into the beautiful woman you've created her to be.

The song that inspired her words is Worlds Apart by Jars of Clay. Here's a youtube link:


  1. Amazing how little ones can put the whole world into perspective. Sounds like you have an amazing little princess there.
    Also, love Jars of Clay!

  2. Thanks, Mindy. She is pretty darn amazing. God has taught me so much through my children.

  3. ah! I posted a conversation w/ my 7 year old just two days ago. In fact, I'd love to hear your thoughts on the questions it raised. If you have a few minutes, click the link above & swing by...

    Oh, & I LOVE the prayer you included in this post. Take good care, Renee!
